Class JCRCommand

  extended by groovy.lang.GroovyObjectSupport
      extended by org.crsh.command.GroovyCommand
          extended by org.crsh.command.CRaSHCommand
              extended by org.crsh.jcr.command.JCRCommand
All Implemented Interfaces:
groovy.lang.GroovyObject, Completer, ShellCommand, PathCompleter

public abstract class JCRCommand
extends CRaSHCommand

implements PathCompleter


Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.crsh.command.CRaSHCommand
Fields inherited from class org.crsh.command.GroovyCommand
context, out
Constructor Summary
protected JCRCommand()
Method Summary
 Completion complete(ParameterDescriptor parameter, String prefix)
          Query the completer for a set of completions for the given prefix.
Methods inherited from class org.crsh.command.CRaSHCommand
complete, describe, execute, getDescriptor, getUnmatched, readLine, readLine, resolveInvoker, resolveInvoker, resolveInvoker
Methods inherited from class org.crsh.command.GroovyCommand
getProperty, invokeMethod, peekContext, popContext, pushContext, setProperty
Methods inherited from class groovy.lang.GroovyObjectSupport
getMetaClass, setMetaClass
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected JCRCommand()
              throws IntrospectionException
Method Detail


public Completion complete(ParameterDescriptor parameter,
                           String prefix)
                    throws Exception
Description copied from interface: Completer

Query the completer for a set of completions for the given prefix. The returned Completion object provides the possible completion matching the prefix argument.

Specified by:
complete in interface Completer
parameter - the completed parameter
prefix - the prefix to complete
the possible suffix map
Exception - any exception that would prevent completion to perform correctly

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